
时间:2017-07-14 求职信 我要投稿

  只有能体现个人才智的自荐信,才能帮助你顺利地谋求到一份理想的工作。你需要仔细考虑第一封信的目的,及其所可能产生的影响。一封平庸的私人信件根本起不到什么作用。信件要引起读者的兴趣,要反映出你的目的,要符合特定的环境要求。 自荐信切忌空洞,自荐信的内容要全面具体。下面是yjbys小编和大家分享的设计专业英文自荐信范文,更多相关资讯,请访问(qiuzhixin.yjbys.com)。

Dear Sir/Madam:

  Hello! Thank you for your busy taking the time to read my letter of recommendation!

  My name is XX, is the yjbys University Design Institute of industrial design professional 20XX graduates. Learned that your company is actively seeking to develop and recruit talented, I sincerely desire to join your company, for your company's development and growth to contribute to my talent and wisdom.

  Industrial design is the brand of XX College of design, its predecessor was founded in 1960, "light industrial goods and daily necessities, plastic arts and design".

  Three years of university life, the strict mentorship lessons and individual efforts, achieved outstanding results. School comprehensive evaluation three and other scholarship; college students' science and Technology Association Outstanding Director of the title; cet-4.

  Study: College English, enlightenment of design, design introduction, sketch, color, CAD, PROE, history of industrial design, principle and method of product design, ergonomics, product form design, product design and development, product semantic design, ergonomics, design psychology, consumer behavior, rapid expression, national art investigation and research, model making, computer aided design (CAD) rhino, 3dsmax, product design analysis, product system design, design management.

  Master industrial design basic theory, knowledge and application ability, deal with the relationship between the various products of the shape and color, form and appearance, structure and function, structure and material, shape and technology, products and people, product and environment, market with the application modelling design principle and rule and the unity relations in the basic ability of product modeling design.

  At the same time, I use after school time widely read a lot of books, not only enrich themselves, but also cultivate their own many skills. For enterprises and institutions, professional design departments, research institutes engaged in industrial product design, visual communication design, environmental design and teaching, research work.

  The University for the past three years, I always set strict demands on themselves, in a variety of school clubs and activities and thus came into contact with many people, know how to deal with all kinds of interpersonal relationships, this is I in part-time jobs during the later sent big handy. From the speech of the campaign began worked hard all the way to be that occurs in the final examination through the list, a moment of my childish and spirit seemed to keep pace. After a year of hard work, two soon was promoted to the director general of the become the next lower classwoman drove the small predecessors, but also more busy, sector and organisation of work and the course, let my daily rhythm accelerated, soon gradually adapted to the fast rhythm and efficiency of work and study, very substantial and very challenging. Due to the excellent performance of the work, the junior school soon was named outstanding director, but also get a comprehensive evaluation of the school three and other scholarship. The three next semester is recommended to participate in the training of Party School of learning, every week experienced knowledgeable senior professor lectures for us, they are just like our elders as kind, enlighten the lecture style deeply touched me, and I thought to improve a level, and successful completion of a probationary member of the party.

  In June next year, I am full of enthusiasm, meticulous attitude to meet new challenges, and the use of their knowledge and skills, for the company's development and the prosperity of the motherland to contribute their youth!

  Finally, thank you again for your attention to me, and I sincerely hope that I can become a member of your organization, for the prosperity of your organization to contribute their modest means. Looking forward to your reply!














  最后,再次感谢您对我的关注,并真诚希望我能够成为贵单位的一员, 为贵单位的繁荣昌盛贡献自己的绵薄之力。期盼您的回音!



