
发布时间:2017-11-29 编辑:婉良 手机版



  Gender: female

  Ethnic composition: the han nationality

  Political landscape: the league members

  Date of birth: August 1986

  Marital status: single

  Education: college

  Graduate school: xx normal college

  Graduation time: June 2007

  Major: English education

  Foreign language level: English (PETS - 3)

  Computer level: proficiency

  Working years: for three years

  Contact phone number:



  Job type: full-time

  Expect industry: training institutions, education, scientific research institutes

  Expected position: early childhood education, teachers, training

  Working location: no

  Expected monthly salary: 1000-2000

  Education experience

  In September 2002 - June 2005 at xx school of infant education, get scholarships for many times

  In September 2005 - June 2007 at xx normal college, get scholarships for many times.

  Trained experience

  In February 2007, April, completed "foer optimal success inspired teachers" and "foer optimal success inspired teachers (2)" of training courses, and get a certificate.

  Work experience

  Between January 2007 and July 2007 xx bilingual kindergarten

  In the English education work, the work is earnest, actively participate in campus activities, many times to participate in the classes and campus environment with layout, and garden led endorsed. Sincere communication with each child, to be their friends; Actively communicate with parents, the child's information feedback, put up a bridge between the teachers and parents.

  In July 2007 to July 2009, xx English training institution

  Work in the kindergarten and primary school English English. In the work of two years, a positive innovation, efforts to improve their teaching level, and constantly sum up experience. The cooperation with institutions of the close cooperation, propagandizing for the birth of the recruitment of students, teaching and activities to show.

  Professional skills

  Proficient in early childhood education theory knowledge and professional skills. Good command of spoken English in English teaching.

  Self assessment

  I character lively and cheerful, easy-going, is a love said love to laugh girl. Like children, love children education career. I have a wide range of hobbies, in the study of the job, like listening to music, reading, sports. 3 years of early childhood education experience learned I certain management ability and sense of responsibility, collective concept is strong, can bear hardships and stand hard work, can rapid adaptation each kind of environment, and fuses. I believe that no matter work or study, attitude is the most important, only have good attitude, work and study will make achievements.



  1."I am the best candidate for the job."


  At the resume stage, this is an irresponsible and presumptuous thing to say. Obviously, you don't know who else is applying for the job or how your qualifications stack up. Say instead, "I am very interested and believe I'm qualified for the job." Then, use the next sentence of your resume or cover letter to say how.

  在简历上说这句话是很不负责任、过于自负的行为。很明显,你不知道还有哪些人在应聘该职位,也不知道你的条件是否比得上别人。你可以这样说:“我对该职位非常有兴趣,并且我相信我有资格胜任此份工作。”然后,用简历上的下一句话或者求职信来说明你符合资格的原因。2."I have a proven track record of success."


  Apart from its 10-out-of-10 rating on the Legendary Clich scale, this sentence makes no sense. What other kind of track record is there? There's no such thing as an unproven track record. The "success" bit on the end only lowers the perceived IQ of the writer. Replace this boilerplate phrase with a story about something specific you did to help your last employer.


  3. "I left this job because of disagreements with management."


  I would never advise you to lie on a resume, but the problems-with-management message stands out like a neon sign on a resume and spells trouble. Instead say, "A shift in organizational priorities made this role less of a fit for me over time" or, "I'd learned a ton at that job, but it was time to go."


  4."I am an out-of-the-box thinker."


  The thing about true out-of-the-box thinkers is they'd never use this clich. Don't tell us that you're creative. Give us an example of your creativity, like "I revamped the Accounts Payable process and saved our company $1M."


  5."My qualifications are evident."


  Don't assume that your qualifications shine though -- spell them out for us. Employers want to know that you're qualified for this job, and that means you've got to customize your resume (as well as your cover letter) for every single opening you apply for. The extra time investment is worth it -- there's a good job available for someone, and it might as well be you!

